This is the RetailEscaper privacy policy page. is a coupon aggregating website featuring over 10,000 coupons for over 500+ brands and growing.
At RetailEscaper, we believe in complete data security of our users. That's why we only collect very important data and ensure high-quality security protocols to maximize our users' data security.
We collect following data from our users:
Registration Data
At the time of registration, a user is asked to submit following data into our database:
During registration, a user is also asked to create a password which is hashed by the automated system and saved into our database.
Any media that a user uploads on our website is saved into our online servers for future use.
Comments & Feedback
Any comment or feedback about any specific store, coupon or brand is stored into our database.
However, any user can hide his identity by choosing "Post as anonymous" option.
Coupon Submission
We also store coupons submitted by our users via our contact form or any other source of submission.
Coupon Usage
Our system also takes note of every click which is made by a user on any coupon for better understanding of user interest & intent for any brand or coupon.
The system might create cookies if you post a comment, post a coupon or login to your account.
This is a feature for user convenience so that he may not need to login to the site every time he visits
These cookies last for 30 days. uses multiple tools to gather important insights and analytics of our data.
This data includes geographic location of the user, IP, data of visited pages, conversion ratio & more.
For Analytics, we use following third-party tools: believes in providing complete access to our users to their data.
Any user can edit, delete or add new data which complies with our terms & conditions at any moment.
However, once a coupon is submitted and approved by our moderators, it cannot be removed by the user without the permission of our team.
Your data is secure & safe with us. We do not share it with any third-party tools or service.
All your personal data including Username, Password, Email & Phone number is never shared with any company or service.
However, we use third-party tools like Google Analytics which can only track user behavior on the website as well as geographic details. has a clear policy of not sharing any personal or contact data with any other website or brand.
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